Category Archives: Deco Winos

Fiesta San Antonio 2017


Fiesta San Antonio 2017
Fiesta Fiesta 2017 Crowd


San Antonio Loves Our #Spurs #Fiesta
San Antonio Loves Our Spurs





Fiesta with the Winos #thecrazywineladies
Fiesta with the Winos and The Crazy Wine Ladies

What is Fiesta in San Antonio?

Over dinner last night our wine group was discussing this subject.  Well, Fiesta started in 1891 as a parade event to honor the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto.  The first parade had horse drawn carriages adorned with fresh flowers.  It has grown to multi-million dollar event.

Estimates have it at around a $284 million dollar impact for the city. It’s called a party with a purpose.  Many worthwhile organizations are funded by participating in varies events held throughout the city.  From Fiesta medal sales, food booth sales to sponsoring their own fiesta events.

Fiesta Fiesta Fireworks San Antonio 2017
Fiesta Fireworks 2017

One event is The Saint Mary’s University Oyster bake which uses the proceeds from the event to raise money for student scholarships to its university and to support the University and the Alumni Association.  The list of the organizations helped by this events is phenomenal and the impact it has on the citizens of the city is felt throughout the year.

So if you get a chance come visit San Antonio and experience our diverse culture and southern hospitality like you have never experienced before.

Fiesta with the Deco Winos and #thecrazywineladies
Fiesta with the Deco Winos

Deco Wine Tasting 

Last night our wine group got together and tasted some Texas wine 🍷.  I will be updating you on the wines and our thoughts on them shortly. 😊 #crazywineladies #Decowinegroup #Texaswines #friends